

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Janine Rubi Muñoz Hernández

Personal information

 Adress                Bellavista Street 14 – A Apartament 406.
                              San Juan Xalpa Colony, Iztapalapa.
                              D.F., México.

Telephone          Home: (55) 56 14 55 05
                              Mobile: 044 (55) 60 15 35 22
 Nationality         Mexican
 Marital status    Single
 Date of birth      21st September 1996
 Email                   janine21_nena@hotmail.com

Career history  
2013 - Current: Support Academic in the area of Research. 
Title: Investigator and   Expositor.
I research about teaching strategies - learning that promote deep learning in CECyT 15 and present the results obtained in various conferences.


2011 - 2014:   Technician Clinical Laboratory Technician.
                          Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
    Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos No. 15 “Diódoro Antúnez        Echegaray.
 2008 - 2011:  High Level.
                                     Technical High School No. 97 "Bernardo Quintana Arrioja".
                                     Government of the Federal District.
2002 - 2008:   Elementary Level.
                                     Elementary School "Charles Darwin."
             Government of the Federal District.


English (level intermediate). I have a medium level of written and spoken English.

Computer skills

            Windows XP
            Windows 7
            Windows 8
Microsoft office package
I use easily these programs.
Additional information

Fifth Academic Meeting on Basic Biology Interpolitecnico, school year 2012 - 2013.

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